yeap the winter is gonna be coming on so ia m grounded here, its time to break out the inks and
make shift pencils and come up with some BS, and what this welll, Red, ahh click the
ebay link,
It actually started with Red saying he was gonna copy a Bosco painting the rum race, here
is his eba link .
Red made his look t the fucking bids, geeeze,
so i think i am gonna start to make some more work build up to this box party , where if it don't sell i am gonna just throw it in a box and when it does make a bbq video thats the best way to approach this now , make an event out of it for a video, the last good vid was the How to Fry Chicken. i wonder if i
posted that here yet, this is or was my last good production video . check it out .
That video i had planed for months, made the work , and one night me and red got into an argument about what is egotism in art , slack jones was commented it ended with red flipping out and blocking me and he , ahhhh so it sorta killed the dual but it flares back up again like a pack of hemroids , ,